
Vote Future EU

Over the past five years, the European Parliament has had the power and the opportunity to act boldly to address the environmental crises we face. At the European elections in June 2024, citizens will be able to hold their representatives accountable and demand more ambition from members of the European Parliament (MEPs).

Five leading climate and environment organisations: BirdLife Europe, Climate Action Network Europe, European Environmental Bureau, Transport & Environment and WWF European Policy Office have analysed European Parliament voting records of the last five years to provide citizens with an interactive overview that scores all the national political parties and European Parliamentary Groups based on their voting performance. See below how Ireland’s national parties and the EU Political groups performed and you can use this data to help inform your choice on June 7th.

The EU Parliament Scoreboard looks at the individual voting behaviour of every MEP during the 2019-2024 legislative term and scores them against the voting recommendations of the five European environmental organisations. This provides a measure of each MEPs commitment to environmental sustainability – with the result being a score out of 100. Results are aggregated in the scoreboard for political groups and national parties represented in the European Parliament. Find out more here: https://caneurope.org/content/uploads/2024/04/EU-Parliament-Scoreboard_2024.pdf