Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

An Ecologically Coherent Network (ECN) of well-managed marine protected areas (MPAs) is a proven tool for the protection and restoration of the marine environment. MPAs increase biodiversity and resilience, can enhance commercial fish and shellfish stocks inside and outside their boundaries, and even have a role to play in carbon sequestration. A “coherent network of representative MPAs” is a requirement under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (read more here). 

At present, Ireland protects just over 9% of our marine territory; this is far off the 2030 target of 30% protection referred to in the 2020 Programme for Government, in line with the EU’s 2030 Biodiversity Strategy and championed by environmental groups across the globe as essential for the protection of biodiversity and nature. The General Scheme of the MPA Bill was published in 2022, however the Bill was not published before the 2024 General Election. SWAN is urging the next Government to expedite this process given that even after legislation is enacted it will still take many years to have an ecologically coherent and well managed network of MPAs. 

SWAN is delighted to be a partner in the Fair Seas Campaign, which is a coalition of Ireland’s leading environmental non-governmental organisations (eNGOs) and environmental networks calling on the Government to designate a minimum of 30% of Irish waters as Marine Protected Areas by 2030 with at least 10% strictly protected. 

Fair Seas is calling for 10 Key Asks of the MPA Bill and published a white paper on the legislationIt is essential that the new legislation addresses Fair Seas asks so there is proper monitoring and management in MPAs, which will be fundamental to the muchneeded protection and restoration of marine habitats, species, and ecosystems in Irish waters for decades to come. These include calling for: 

  • 10% of Irish waters under strict protection  
  • Public participation, community involvement and stakeholder engagement throughout the designation process at all levels 
  • Clearly defined management plans 
  • Increased focus on restoration 
  • Detailed timelines 

Fair Seas estimates that €55 million will be needed to adequately fund MPA designation and ongoing management until 2030. Suggested sources of funding include EU grants and philanthropic donations to revenue generating mechanisms and potential reallocations of funding. In October 2024, the Government announced €25 million from the MPA LIFE Project, an important investment in marine conservation.  

The coalition also produced a ‘Revitalising Our Seas’ Report that identifies 16 ‘Areas of Interest’ for MPA designation in Irish waters including eight coastal areas stretching along the coast of the Republic of Ireland. The report shows how it would be possible to protect 36% of Ireland’s ocean territory enabling the country to meet its 2030 European targets. 

Fair Seas has also completed a series of videos called Real Voices with conversations with people who make a living from the sea and their views on MPAs. 

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